World Of Warcraft Onyxia Strategy
Onyxia 10 man strategy
This is truly a rapidly and basic strategy for the ten man onyxia encounter. This is basic and works weekly for our guild.
Phase one.
The main tank pulls Onyxia straight back to the wall directly behind where Onyxia starts. The rest of the raid aligns itself to the left of onyxia staying away from the head and at the same time the tail. If anyone gets knocked into a whelp cave and pulls whelps they will come from that side, so the off tank Specifications to be aware if this does happen and pick them up even though all ranged dps commences to burn them down returning to onyxia once the whelps are dealt with.
Phase two.
During phase two your main tank is going to position himself at the entrance of the left hand whelp cave. The off tank will visit the center of the room to pick up the whelps coming from the right hand whelp cave. The raids healers will position themselves along the left wall just beyond where the left whelp cave entrance is. Melee and ranged dps will align themselves around the healers. The key tank will grab the whelps from his side and at the same time the off tank will gather the whelps from the opposite side, bringing them together just in front of the significant body of the raid group, then the raid can start to burn them down. The major tank Requirements to keep an eye out for the massive adds to start to come from the mouth of the cave and be prepared to pick them up. He will then bring them towards the left whelp cave staying just opposite the raids position to be in range of the healers. The off tank will position himself just opposite that cave entrance and be prepared for the whelps to spawn. If a deathknight is actually available , or a retribution pally, have them maintain an eye on the opposite side to bring the whelps from that side to the off tank when they spawn. If not, then during whelp phase, all ranged dps and healers should collapse on the off tank so he can gather all the whelps into one group. Extremely don't SPREAD OUT. Using this strategy, at no time should anyone besides members assig ...[ ]
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