Our Tragic Day In Iraq
The 3rd of June (2007)
Sometimes folks go via such a traumatic event that it will never leave their mind. I for one have such a memory. Unfortunately, It is a horrible one that may haunt me for the rest of my life.
I can keep in mind it like it was yesterday. I was in Iraq and we had planned a mission to cordon off an region so the Iraqi National Guard, ING, could raid the village to search for a suspected insurgent. This mission was planned several days in advanced, as most of them were. Now, my job consisted of simply driving the initial vehicle within the convoy of my platoon. We had three platoons in our battery that consisted of around 70 people. There were 3 vehicles in my platoon and 4 in equite of the other 2 platoons. I was in headquarters platoon; we mostly did meetings with town leaders, shaeks. We would talk about current hostility, hunger, medical, and electrical points with the town. They would tell us whin they need and we would try to accommodate them. However, for this mission we were going to look for a suspected insurgent in a particular village, the name of which I cant divulge. The night prior we had spent the night at a nearby base to expedite the mission.
The morning of, we did our personal hygiene and got ready for the mission as planned. I had planned for a long, boring mission, which most of them were. I got the vehicle prepped and the ice cooler filled to maintain our water cool. The night prior I went to the store to stock up on goodies to snack given that I knew we would make widespread stops. We went to top off if we hadnt already. I filled up night before so it would give me several additional minutes to chill. A few hours later we were mobilized and ready to go with the ING. I concept that it was every redundant thin the ING needed us thinking about thin the population of the village that we planned to raid was outnumbered with just the ING alone. They efairly didnt require us, but our commanders really should haveed to obtain as considerably involved with ING leaders to fine tune th ...[ ]
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