Wow 335a Resto Shaman Pve Guide : Part 5 Acts Of Heroism All Via The Recent Alien Invasion - Hamilton B. Crockett
<i>Part</i> <i>5</i>: Acts of Heroism by Ordinary men and women during the Recent Alien Invasion
(c) 2012 by Tom King
One of the curious points concerning the response of the general populace via the recent alien invasion was a general lack of the expected mass running around and screaming and big looting. Although several looting did occur in larger cities, most of it was of the get myself a free flatscreen variety and had much more to do with the distracted condition of the urban police forces.
After the first shock as waves of flying saucers struck military installations and main cities worldwide, most people hunkered down by their Television sets and waited for instructions from a badly frightened federal government.
The aliens abandoned their fairly first tactics after Al-Quaeda fo ... [Read More - Wow 335a Resto Shaman Pve Guide]
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